F. R. I. E. N. D.
Friendly experts help to save your time in planning the trip, avoid the most nuisance part
Rhythmic agent provides high-quality services and products at reasonable price Immense benefits offers exclusively upgrades without additional cost as Virtuoso member Exquisite itinerary avoids hustle schedule, entirely independent and private Neat departure must be followed by our backup and crisis management Delighted memory fulfils with sharing and rewards loyalty and friendship forever |
Re-branding proposal
重塑品牌力量 |
A successful rebranding campaign requires more than a revamped logo. It demands a vision and power that inspires the loyalty from customers, to see the company in its core value, service, strategy, future and mission via human personal touch. Reflection Customers want a better travel style and will respond to company that they believe will help them achieve their dream and goal in travel and bucket list. Tools to revamp 1. Build up expertise image regular review, comment and suggestion on any products including hotel, limousine, cruise, adventure etc 2. website i. Webpage and social media are not an information portal yet a inspiration platform to archive next dream travel by expertise comments and suggestions ii. combine the functions of travel magazine + travel agent, first ever in Hong Kong iii. Offer first-hand information on the travel news iv.Shares advisor's personal and positive comments and experience on every destinations and products via social media, webpage and newsletters - 3. Dig out new travel theme i. cooking with Michelin Star Chef and celebrity chef ii. Private communication with wine-makers and handicrafter iii. Heritage combines with modern 4. Give prominent to Virtuoso benefits i. how to travel better with Virtuoso member ii. list the benefits on Virtuosa member provided regularly Sides dishes REBRAND 100® Global Awards Competition Opportunity, the first global, highest and juried recognition for excellence in brand repositioning. |
轉變公司標誌,絕不能改變公司品牌形象,必需由「人格特質」組織,透過由「人」建立的核心價值、服務、策略、願景和使命,遂令顧客廣泛認識、感受和接受,並對品牌建立感情,增加歸屬感,才是真正的品牌力量,才算是一個正個的重塑品牌行動。 反饋 當顧客想得到更好旅遊方式時,公司品牌先湧現其腦海,知道能助他們實現最理想旅遊計劃 品牌重塑渠道 1. 建立專業形象 持續分享對酒店、接送、郵輪、歷險活動等的經驗、感受、評語和建議 2. 建立資訊性網頁及社交媒體 i.絕非一般只留下資訊地方,更是一個提供專家意見及「遊後感」的平台,能激發客人另一夢想旅行 i. 成為香港首混合旅遊雜誌和旅行社功能的網站 ii. 提供第一手旅遊新訊 iii. 同時建議行程和目的地介紹 3. 建立旅行主題 i. 跟米芝蓮大廚或星級廚師學烹飪 ii. 與酒莊主人、釀酒司和手工藝師等私房對話 iii. 歷史與傳統遊覽 4. 強調Virtuoso會員能提供超然優惠 - 如升級、早餐和無線上網服務 - 強調Virtuoso會員的旅行社與別間不同 - 定期發出Virtuoso所提供的優惠和升級服務 甜品 成功重塑品牌形象後,可申請參加全球最大型重塑品牌形象,可參加由REBRAND 100®舉辦的全球性重塑計劃頒獎禮。 朋友 我當你一世朋友1. 專業旅遊顧問助你節省時間,免去計劃旅行最累贅程序,安安心追求夢想旅行
2. 最切合需要的旅行社,恥聽你的需要和喜好,設計最准確行程 3. 身為Virtuoso創會成員,為客人免費提供升級服務 4.舒服行程配合私人導賞時間,不會速速趕行程,提供深度旅行式 5.準時出發,我們亦時刻為客人提供旅途上任何援助 6.甜密回憶,客人與我們相知相交,繼續助他實現另一夢想旅行 |